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I have not read the Bible in it's entirety and am looking forward to soaking in more of God's plan for humanity. Romans 8:28 is my favorite verse. I live 50 miles west of Phila. and I am a rabid Eagles fan.

Have read most of the Bible over the last 3 years and want to read it in order for better understanding. Philippians 4:6,7
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."
Queensland, Australia.
Father and step-father of 14 children and an Opa of 20 grandkids - love them all.

This will be my third year reading through the Bible with Mike. I was introduced to his One Year Bible Blog four years ago but was inconsistent for the first year, learned some discipline, and have been here every morning since!!
I love reading the book of John and my favourite verses are Jeremiah 29:11-13.
I live in Guelph, Ontario Canada.
Happy New Year!

Not sure what my favorite verse would be in the bible but while reading today -Genesis 3:21 caught my attention: -The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them. They disobeyed God and yet God in His mercy clothed them. I am looking forward to reading the bible Chronologically in 2011. I live in Shirley, New York.

I have read the Bible before and have tried the Chronological order, but got distracted by Mike's blog :) This year I am excited to do both. Ephesians 1:3-10 says it all for me: Praise for Spiritual Blessings in Christ. My daughter has expressed interest in following along with me this year so I pray she does. Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

I read thru the Bible for the first time last year. I am SO very grateful for Mike's blogs! They make reading interesting & fun. I am VERY excited to read thru the Bible chronologically this year. The Bible is just so interesting! My fav verses are Jeremiah 29:11-13 & Ephesians 3:20. I also LOVED the entire book of Daniel which I had never read in its entirety til last year with the reading plan! I am a full-time mom who loves Jesus & her family. I live in the States in a suburb of Nashville, Tennessee. Yay for 2011!!

1.Have you read the entire Bible before? 
A. No I have never read the entire bible. I have read bits and pieces here and there. To be honest I have not had my bible out for years.
2.What are you looking forward to about reading the entire Bible in 2011? 
A. Actually starting and finishing something for once in my life would be good but also to get an understanding of the bible. I have so many questions
3.What's your favorite book or verse in the Bible? 
A.I don't have one YET
4.What's a fun or interesting fact about yourself? 
A. ???????????????????????????????
5.City and/or country you live in?
A.Park Rapids, MN, USA
6.Do you have a blog or website link that you want to share with everyone?
7.Also, what verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings?
A.26And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

God bless,

Thanks to Mike and the One Year Bible Blog I read the entire Bible through in 2010, never missing a day. I wanted to be able to finish this because when I started reading faithfully, I received a peace that I never had before. My family was and still is in a turmoil. Praise the Lord, I am not in that turmoil. I just pray for them. I Love the Lord!!

I am looking forward to reading the Chronological Bible. The one that I just finished was the One Year Bible which was four books at a time.

I really liked the book Zechariah. It so mirrored Revelation to me.

I love to read and currently in a college Theology class. This I have not been faithful in. My goal this year is to buckle down and complete my degree.

I live in Elkhart Indiana.

Thanks Mike for all you do.....you are on my prayer list.

Have a blessed New Year,

Thanks for this awesome study!

1. I have read the entire Bible a couple of times.

2. Simply feel a need to get to know more of God.

3. Psalms and Proverbs.

4. Can't think of anything at the moment.

5. U.S.A.

6. How generous God has been with us from the very beginning.

1. Have you read the entire Bible before? No I have not… but every year I have always promised to do so. As I was looking through the internet for a reading plan, I ran into this blog an after reading the first day’s reading and reading through the blog, I have to say that I am hooked!! Thanks Mike!

2. What are you looking forward to about reading the entire Bible in 2011? I am looking forward to drawing closer to God and to take our relationship to the next level.

3. What's your favorite book or verse in the Bible? No favorite book or verse yet but I am sure that will change sometime in 2011.

4. What's a fun or interesting fact about yourself? My name is Barbara. I am a people person and love making new friends.

5. City and/or country you live in? I live in Simi Valley, California in the USA

6. Do you have a blog or website link that you want to share with everyone? I am in the process of starting my own Virtual Assistant business called Projects, Your Way and once I get my website up, I will share it with you all.

7. What verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings? I was especially touched by the topic of whether the devil exists or not… Up until a few years ago, I did not believe that he existed and through some turmoil in life, God showed me that the devil does exist!!! I had my guard down and boy did the “great deceiver” deceive me!! Now, I know that I need God to guide and protect me from going down that slippery slope.

1. No, this is my 1st time to read the entire Bible (my 11 & 13 year old sons are also reading the Word in it's entirety this year).
2. Drawing nearer to God & growing in Godly wisdom.
3. I have many favorite verses, but I always love Zephania 3:17 (my current memory verse is Psalm 130:5, so it's high up on my list this year).
4. Fun fact? I can talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere... but I absolutely hate talking before a large group. =0)
5. Pampa, Texas, USA
6. I don't have one of my own to share but my two favorites are:
http://blog.lproof.org/ & http://myoneword.org/
7. I love how that even though God shows discipline, He also shows love through His grace & mercy.

I have tried several times to read the Bible in a year, but I have not accomplished my goal yet. This year is different! I am excited about the new chronological bible readings, thank you for all your hard work!!! I desire to know God and his plan for my life. One of my favorite verses, be still and know that I am God... Psalm 46:10. I am from York, PA, USA.

1. Have you read the entire Bible before? No...but i am getting there...started the one-year blog with you last year with a few readings to go...

2. What are you looking forward to about reading the entire Bible in 2011?

Greater understanding of God and His word

3. What's your favorite book or verse in the Bible?
Phillipians 4 6:7

4. What's a fun or interesting fact about yourself?
???? Cant think of any right now

5. City and/or country you live in? Barbados

6. Do you have a blog or website link that you want to share with everyone? No

I am proud to say that I kept my New Year's Resolution to read the Bible in a year (first ever) thanks to Mike. Even if I couldn't read the blog everyday, his plan kept me going as did his great attitude and dedication. I look forward to this new adventure and learning more about our AWESOME God.

My home base is in Asheville, NC, but I work in theatre. So on any given day I could be in North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama or Kentucky.

Bless you all.

1. Not completely - read most of it in 10' but missed a few sections. Thought I would try it chronologically!
2. Getter closer to God and improving my walk with the Lord!
3. John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.
4. Married my husband right out of high school and we have been married for 24 years now!
5. Piperton, TN
6. No

1. Have you read the entire Bible before? No I have not
2. What are you looking forward to about reading the entire Bible in 2011? Gaining more knowledge of God's Word Having a closer relationship with God.
3. What's your favorite book or verse in the Bible? Isaiah 31But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired
4. What's a fun or interesting fact about yourself? I am trying to still learn
5. City and/or country you live in? (if you're comfortable sharing this - you don't need to.) I live in Pa but was born and raised in Florida
6. Do you have a blog or website link that you want to share with everyone?

1. Yes, I've read the entire Bible several times: First the KJV, then RSV, and then the NIV for several years. Until I decided to read a different version every year. So I've also read the Amplified Version, and last year started reading in my native language/dialect: Chavacano. Unfortunately, there's only a NT translation and no OT yet.
2. I've never read the Bible chronologically, and although I was going to follow the One-Year Bible plan at first, this one caught my eye. I will be reading it in the NASB.
3. My favorite verse is Matthew 6.33. My favorite book is the Psalms.
4. I am a Pastor's Kid (coming from a "modern levite tribe" with my great-grandfather, grandfather, father, uncles, cousins, brothers, husband, and now, son as pastors). I'm a youth pastor, professor for youth ministry, and freelance writer.
5. Antipolo City, Philippines
6. http://www.facebook.com/anne.dejesus.ardina

Insights: I was reminded of the extremes we could go when it comes to our perspective of the devil. As a teen, I was so obsessed about knowing all I can about angels and demons, as well as Satan. But I realized that I needed to know more about God. Just like bank personnel who study real money very well so that they can spot a counterfeit. (And not studying the counterfeit.) I changed my focus to studying/learning about the "real thing": our Almighty God!

1. Have you read the entire Bible before? YES, I HAVE, BUT IT HAS BEEN 2 or 3 YEARS AGO.


3. What's your favorite book or verse in the Bible? PROVERBS 31.

4. What's a fun or interesting fact about yourself? I'M A STAY-AT-HOME MOM WHO HOMESCHOOLS 3 OF HER 4 CHILDREN.

5. City and/or country you live in? PHILIPPINES

6. Do you have a blog or website link that you want to share with everyone? http://theteachingnanay.blogspot.com/ AND

7. Also, what verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings? THAT WE WERE CREATED IN GOD'S IMAGE. IT'S ALWAYS AN AWESOME REMINDER OF HOW GREAT OUR GOD IS & HOW MUCH HE LOVES EACH & EVERY ONE OF US.

1. Have you read the entire Bible before? yep i did it at the start of last year in 90 days boy it was tough but loved it . I have also done it here but always miss at least one book each year .
2.What am i looking forward to about reading the entire Bible in 2011? well just making it a habit and I always feel God is close when i am reading his word .
3.What's my favorite book or verse in the Bible? Gen 1 1 . Without God starting this whole thing off where would we be .
4.What's a fun or interesting fact about yourself?I am a kiwi we are praying while you guys are sleeping.we also stand on our heads all day .
5 NEW ZEALAND not Australia Christchurch and yes still getting after shocks from our 7.1 on sep 4th quake
6 http://www.webmonster.co.nz/MOC/ this is a car club i belong to !
7. Also, what verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings . We are here for a reason

I have never read the Bible before, but I'm really looking forward to understanding what faith is about and becoming closer to God. My favorite verse is Corinthians 13:13. I really like the book Genesis because it tells how earth and creation began. I just started really becoming faithful this year (I hope to become a better person). I live in Normal, IL in the U.S.A. I liked reading "The Beginning" because it shows just how powerful our God is and how the universe was created. It also shows where the Sabbath comes from(:

I have been doing the One Year Bible with Mike on and off over the last decade? It's exciting to see it grow and faithfully be there every year.
1. Have you read the entire Bible before? Yes, but this will be my first time in Chronilogical order.
2. What are you looking forward to about reading the entire Bible in 2011? One doing it, but also maybe seeing things events a little clearer being in Chronological order.
3. What's your favorite book or verse in the Bible? Favorite book is Romans & Acts. Favorite verses Romans 8:28 & Phil. 1:6
4. What's a fun or interesting fact about yourself? I was saved at age 15, and was instrumental in my parents coming to the Lord.
5. City and/or country you live in? Charlotte, NC
6. Do you have a blog or website link that you want to share with everyone? I have www.biblefood.blogspot.com which is one page devotion we just started Galatians and will be doing so verse by verse (once a week for likely 6 months).

Looking forward to our time together.

I am an avid reader and realized that the best book I had never read was the Bible. While listening to the Christian radio station, I heard about an interactive way to read the Bible in a year. This format appeals to me because I need someone to teach me as I read. I Googled and here I am! I feel a great need to learn our biblical history for myself and for my young children. Thank you for this opportunity to grow closer in my walk with my Lord and Savior.

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