Proverbs 8:1-10:32
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I love the beginning of Proverbs chapter 8 with the imagery of Wisdom calling out to all humankind! Do you hear the call of wisdom in your life today??

Today we read in Proverbs chapter 8 verses 10 & 11: "Choose my instruction rather than silver, and knowledge over pure gold. For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies. Nothing you desire can be compared with it.”

Proverbs 8 verse 13 is a powerful look at what Wisdom hates! "That is why I hate pride, arrogance, corruption, and perverted speech." When you look at your own life - do you hate pride, arrogance, corruption and perverted speech in your own behavior?

Proverbs chapter 8 verse 22 is powerful to consider as it speaks of Wisdom: "The LORD formed me from the beginning, before he created anything else." If Wisdom was created before anything else, think this lends some credence to intelligent design? :)

Proverbs chapter 8 verses 27 through 32 are an incredible look at how wisdom was there as God formed the earth! And how wisdom is still here today asking us to listen. Are you listening to the voice of wisdom? Are you listening to the voice of Truth?

Proverbs chapter 8 verse 36 today tells us - ""But those who miss me have injured themselves. All who hate me love death."" This is a powerful reminder of why we should seek and love God's wisdom all of our lives. Let us not injure ourselves! Let us not hate wisdom. Let us not love death.

Worship God: Our readings in Proverbs today reminded me of the Building 429 song "Glory Defined." Here's a great live version of this song:
Do you know our glory defined? Click here for Glory!
Comments from You: What verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings? Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
God bless,
Proverbs 10: 4
Lazy hands make for poverty,but diligent hands bring wealth.
I am not sure if my observation is accurate. These days more able bodied people are easily tempted to be content in receiving favors or material things from the government than working for their living. Granted that there are not a lot of jobs available for everybody (i.e., high unemployement), still God assurance in Proverbs 10:4 brings hope to those who persevere and work with their hands.
We tend to take the easy road to wealth and prosperity. Statistics show that wealth not earned by hard work disappears faster than wealth acquired by hard work.
For those who have been blessed by our works,we are also asked to share our blessings to those who are really in need.
God bless.
Posted by: Lily | May 29, 2013 at 10:53 AM