John 15:18-17:26
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John: John chapter 16 is amazing today! I love verse 8's teaching from Jesus about the Holy Spirit: "And when he comes, he will convince the world of its sin, and of God's righteousness, and of the coming judgment." One commentary on this verse and verse 9 today says: "Apart from the Spirit's convicting work, people can never see themselves as sinners." Wow. This is powerful to reflect upon. Did you ever have a time in your life that you did not see yourself as a sinner? Was this time before you experienced the Holy Spirit? Do you believe this to be true - that many in our world today cannot see themselves as sinners, apart from the work of the Holy Spirit and Jesus? This I think should demonstrate to us who is truly doing conversion work in our world - not us, but Jesus and the Spirit. We cannot convert anyone on our own human power. The Holy Spirit must enter the room...'s commentary on our John readings today titled "The Ministry of the Holy Spirit" is at this link.
John 17 is such an amazing chapter... this is Jesus praying! So powerful. I honestly am at a loss for words on this chapter. I could probably try to write something about each and every verse. But, maybe what makes the most sense is for you to re-read this chapter again. Do you see Jesus praying for you in this chapter?'s commentary on today's John readings are extensive! They've divided this chapter up into 3 commentaries, which shows the depth of what's going on in this chapter. I recommend you take a few minutes to check out each of these commentaries. The first commentary titled "The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus: Part I" is at this link, "Part II" is at this link, and "Part III" is at this link.

Worship God: Today's readings in John about the ministry of the Holy Spirit reminded me of Abandon's song "Feel it in your Heart:"
Do you feel the Spirit in your heart? Click here and receive the Spirit!
Please join us in memorizing and meditating on a verse of Scripture today: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 NIV
Prayer Point: Pray for peace in your life. Pray for more of Jesus in your life. Pray that when trouble comes to you in this world - and it will come - that you will take heart in knowing that Jesus overcame the world.
Comments from You: What verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings? Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
God bless,