Exodus 25:1-28:43
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Today in Exodus chapters 26 & 27 we read about God's plans for the Tabernacle, the Altar and the Courtyard. I have to admit, I have zoned out a bit when reading these chapters in years past. But for some reason this year these details were fascinating to me today! Why the change? I'm not 100% sure, other than I do think repeated study of the Bible year after year does bear fruit and does grow our interest in every iota of God's Word. So, if by chance you felt like you were zoning out a bit when reading these chapters today, don't be discouraged. The interest will definitely come with time and further study of all of God's Word. Let me recommend to you that you don't skim over chapters like these though. Please do read each word. If you skim this year, you'll skim next year and you'll miss out on the fruit that will come from this study. I have found images really help my understanding of chapters like these, so I'll post up a few images, which will hopefully help you visualize what we've read about today. Below are a couple of images of the tabernacle and its layout:

A replica of the Altar of Burnt Offering in the outer court:

A replica of the Courtyard, looking toward the tabernacle (you'll see the altar in the foreground and the basin for washing on the left, which we'll read about in chapter 30):

And a replica inside the Tabernacle chamber / Holy Place, looking toward the curtain that cordoned off the Holy of Holies / the Ark of the Covenant. That's the altar of incense just before the curtain, which we'll read about in Exodus chapter 30. The lampstand is on the left, and the table for the Bread of the Presence is on the right. (see replica images in yesterday's post below for more details on these and a replica image of the ark):

Today in Exodus chapter 28 we read about the ephod for the priests! The ephod was a sleeveless outer vest that typically extended down to the hips and had a waistband to hold the front and back of the ephod to the priest's body. The ephod is the blue cloth in this image below, and the chestpiece you'll see has the four rows of gemstones:

The high priest wearing the ephod and chestpiece:

Exodus chapter 28 verse 1 stood out to me in today's readings: "Your brother, Aaron, and his sons, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar, will be set apart from the common people. They will be my priests and will minister to me." Here we see that the priests are being set apart as mediators between the people of Israel and God. And this role is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ as our high priest. Jesus is now the mediator between God and us. Personally, I still do see so much value in pastors and clergy in our lives and churches today. We'll study more about these important roles in Paul's writings in the New Testament. However, I also personally believe that we can approach the throne of God through Jesus Christ as our mediator - and that we don't need another human mediator here on earth to approach God. Jesus is more than enough. Do you believe that Jesus is our high priest today? Do you believe that Jesus is the mediator between you and God?

More information on the Urim and Thummim we read about today is online at this link.
Worship God: My reflection above about Jesus being our high priest reminded me of the Delirious song "What a Friend I've Found:"
Is Jesus your friend? Click here to meet your Friend Forever!
Please join us in memorizing and meditating on a verse of Scripture today: "Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from everyone whose heart prompts them to give." Exodus 25:2 NIV
Prayer Point: Pray that you hear prompts you to give generously to the LORD's work each and every day of your life. Pray that you will give 100% of yourself to the LORD and His will for your life.
Comments from You: What verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings? Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
God bless,
p.s. Download our monthly Small Group study notes for our Chronological Bible readings at this link.
p.p.s. Download a schedule of our Chronological Bible readings for the year in PDF format at this link.