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Yes, if we could all only keep our minds on Jesus! We absolutely must know who Jesus really is. “The Scriptures point to Jesus” (John 5:39) “By God’s grace, we believed” (Acts 18:27). We must remember we are a team, - working together for the good of God. We must work together with the same purpose. We are all God’s workers and all of us will be rewarded for our own hard work on judgment day (1 Cor. 3: 8 & 13). Yes, working together with one purpose in mind. For certain, all of us together, are the temple of God and the Spirit of God lives in each of us. (1 Cor. 7, 16) We each have different gifts and talents and it takes all of us together to do God’s work. It is nothing we can force. All we can do is relying on the grace of God in us, to grow through us and out of us! To God’s glory alone. May He grow His desires, - His Kingdom desires, - in us. May we mature and not be jealous and quarrel with each other and keep our focus on Jesus.

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