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2 Timothy 4:19-22; Hebrews 1:1-4:13
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Today we begin the book of Hebrews! What a wonderful book. I read somewhere that this book is a "letter of encouragement." I do pray this book will encourage you. There is so much in this one! The author of the book of Hebrews is unknown. For many centuries, it was thought to be Paul. However, around the time of the Reformation it was thought that this letter was not from Paul, because the writing style is so different from his other letters - and because in all of his other letters, he identifies himself as the writer of the letter. Some now think that either Barnabas or Apollos were two of the potential writers of this letter. It was likely written before the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in A.D. 70, because the temple is referred to as if it still exists in this letter. What I love about Hebrews is the multitudes of references back to Old Testament scriptures. As you read through Hebrews, I would encourage you to take note of how many OT scriptures this book is referring back to. Below is an image of Barnabas' life - a potential candidate for authorship of Hebrews. You'll see Barnabas caring for Paul on the left after Paul was stoned and you'll see Barnabas on the right assisting Paul in his ministry.

~ Hebrews ~
Author: Uncertain
Place: Uncertain
Date: A.D. 60-69
Content: This important letter was written to Jewish Christians who were perhaps thinking of returning to their old ways in Judaism. It was designed to show that now because Christ has come, there remains nothing in Judaism for the believer. The time of fulfillment has arrived and it would be futile to return to the old life which was inherently inferior to the new life found in the Gospel. This is justified by showing that in every way Christ is better – he is superior to angels, to Moses, and to the Old Testament priest. He mediates a better covenant and offers a better sacrifice. The life of faith that the Christian lives is also better than the old life, proof of this coming from the lives of Old Testament saints who showed the way by their lives of faith.
Theme: The overall superiority of Christ and the Christian life is the central theme of this book. Other religious systems have value, no doubt, but they cannot compare with the work that God has done in Christ. Not even Judaism, which has the Old Testament, can compare, great as it was. Christ is the very essence of God, who did God’s work on earth by dying for our sins. What God requires of us now is trust in him. If we have faith then we have entered into the promises of God – fullness of life now and eternal life to come. (Above commentary is from Tyndale Publishers “The One Year Bible Companion” p. 31) A great overview of the book of Hebrews by Daniel Wallace is at this link.

In Hebrews chapter 1, the first 3 verses set the stage incredibly well for this book - "Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. But now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised everything to the Son as an inheritance, and through the Son he made the universe and everything in it. The Son reflects God's own glory, and everything about him represents God exactly. He sustains the universe by the mighty power of his command. After he died to cleanse us from the stain of sin, he sat down in the place of honor at the right hand of the majestic God of heaven." Wow... great stuff. We have indeed been reading recently about God speaking through Jeremiah in our One Year Bible readings. And here we are reminded that God is now speaking to us through Jesus. How do these 3 verses above speak to your heart? Has Jesus cleansed you from the stain of sin?

The remaining verses in today's reading refer to several OT scriptures that tell us Jesus is God. He is not an angel, but is God's only Son who formed the earth and everything in it. One very amazing thing about our One Year Bible readings today is that we get some verses here in Hebrews 1:10-12 that correlate with our readings in Psalm 102:25-27:
"Lord, in the beginning you laid the foundation of the earth,
and the heavens are the work of your hands.
Even they will perish, but you remain forever.
They will wear out like old clothing.
You will roll them up like an old coat.
They will fade away like old clothing.
But you are always the same;
you will never grow old."

Hebrews chapter 2 starts strong with the first verse: "So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it." This is powerful. We must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we'll drift away from it. My thoughts here are that listening carefully in this sense also means listening often to the truth. Or reading often of the truth. Reading the Bible often. Say, every day? :) I think our human nature is such that we'll oftentimes hear something and it goes in one ear and out the other. We need repetition. We need a routine. We need the truth. Please don't drift away from it!

Verse 12 is beautiful: "I will declare the wonder of your name to my brothers and sisters." Here Jesus calls those who believe in Him his "brothers and sisters." What a great thing! To be brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ! And in the gospels Jesus also calls those who believe in Him his "friends." This is incredible to consider. Who better is there to be your brother and your friend than Jesus? And verse 18 is a great reminder that "Since he himself has gone through suffering and temptation, he is able to help us when we are being tempted." We all will go through temptations in this life. Don't feel bad if you are "tempted." Jesus himself was tempted by the devil in the gospels. The problem comes when we give into temptation and commit the sin. However, when in the midst of temptation, this verse reminds us to turn our minds to Jesus when we are being tempted - and he will help us! He has been there - he has been tempted. Another great tool to combat temptation is bringing Scripture to mind. In fact - this is exactly what Jesus did with the devil in the desert. Each temptation the devil threw at Jesus, Jesus combated with Scripture. What a holy sword Scripture is in the midst of temptation! To help us in the midst of temptation, memorizing Scripture regularly is a very wise practice. Do you memorize Scripture? Do you think it would help you in the midst of temptation?

Hebrews chapter 3 today is a great look at the lives of Moses and Jesus. The text today doesn't really dive into this point, but something I heard recently that is worth remembering - Moses introduced to Israel the Old Covenant (testament) via the Ten Commandments and laws. Whereas, Jesus ushers in the New Covenant to Israel and all of the world. So, this chapter goes into why Jesus is greater than Moses. Probably this Old Cov v. New Cov point alone would prove this to be true - but, obviously Jesus is also God in the flesh. Moses was simply a man. (albeit a great man in many ways!)

Today in Hebrews 3:13 we read: “But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.” When was the last time you encouraged someone in their walk of faith? Will you encourage someone today? How does encouragement help us avoid sin’s deceitfulness? Do you realize that sin is indeed deceitful? (sin sells you nothing but lies) Do you realize that sin can harden your heart? Do you realize that one of the best ways to be free of the bondage of sin and a hardened heart is through encouragement of others in your church community? Sin is too strong for us to battle on our own. We need Jesus. We need each other. We need to be actively involved in a church community each week. Don’t attempt to make a go of this life alone. . . it’s far too risky.

Verse 15 is repeated twice in today's readings, so it probably is something important for us to remember - "But never forget the warning: "Today you must listen to his voice. Don't harden your hearts against him as Israel did when they rebelled."" Are you listening to God's voice? How is the soil of your heart toward God? Will you let him plant new life within you? Will you let him pull the weeds that need to be pulled?

Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 of course makes a One Year Bible blogger's heart happy :) - "For the word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are." Do you believe that the Word of God is full of power? Not just power, but Living power? Does it cut deep into your innermost thoughts and desires - and expose the condition of your heart? Does the Bible expose you for who you really are? Do you believe that the Word of God can do this? Will you let the Word of God do this?

Worship Video: Hebrews 3:13 today reminds me of the Jonny Diaz song "A More Beautiful You." Here's his thought provoking video for the song:
Please join us in memorizing and meditating on a verse of Scripture today: "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 (NIV)
Prayer Point: Pray that God's Word is living and active in your life! Pray that God words penetrates to your soul and spirit, joints and marrow. Pray that God's Word judges the thoughts and attitudes of your heart each and every moment of your life!
Comments from You: What verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings? Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
God bless,
p.s. Download our monthly Small Group study notes for our Chronological Bible readings at this link.
p.p.s. Download a schedule of our Chronological Bible readings for the year in PDF format at this link.
p.p.p.s. I would greatly appreciate it if you would pray for this Chronological Bible Blog ministry today. Thanks!