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A New Year that brings with it a New Beginning. Today we set out to begin the daunting task of reading through the entire Bible. For some this will be the first time and will bring with it tons of questions and probably comments like, “What does this all mean?” Some stories will be exciting and better than the entire series of The Godfather or more spectacular than Star Wars. There will also be plenty when you will think of giving up with a statement saying, “God, this is boring and besides, this makes no sense.”

From a veteran Read through the Bible Reader, may I encourage you to stay focused and read even when it seems like you are chewing wood. I began reading through the Word in 1987 and some of the “What in the world does this mean?” have just begun to be answered. Each and every time I go through I get a deeper understanding of the things I grasped at first and at each succeeding reading though and an a simple understanding of things I just had no clue about.

Genesis is the Book of Beginnings so let us come to this book leaving behind our preconceived understandings and ideas, our denominational glasses suspending our disbelief and unbelief believing that God’s Word will explain itself to us in the daylight of His Word.

Whom will he teach knowledge?
And whom will he make to understand the message?
Those just weaned from milk?
Those just drawn from the breasts?
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept,
Line upon line, line upon line,
Here a little, there a little.”
For with stammering lips and another tongue
He will speak to this people
(Isaiah 28:9-11-NKJV)

In the Beginning is our chance to study God’s Principals and Patterns so that we can apply those patterns and principals to our lives.

Notice the way God does things; then fall into line. Don't fight the ways of God

Grace and peace to all in the New Year,

Looking to read as much of this book the Bible as I can .This is the first time in chronological order.
I found a bit of a USA feel but I'll try get my Kiwi head round it.

Happy New Year from Louisiana!
Yes, I have read the Bible cover to cover, now I decided I really needed to read it in chronological order, because I really get confused sometimes knowing the Kings in order and what happens under each.

This is my eleventh year reading the Bible through. It’s the best decision I ever made — besides becoming a believer and marrying my husband.

I’m from Louisiana too. Happy New Year. I’ve read the Bible through for several years but this is my first time with chronological. Thanks for what you do.

Happy New Year from the South Eastern United States. (1) We have read through the Bible several years but this is our first time reading a Chronological Reading Plan. We also have several local community believers reading with us. (2) We look forward to seeing what a Chronological Plan adds to our love of the Scriptures. (3) Our favorite Scriptures are Isaiah 40:31 and Psalms 31:15

This is my first time reading the entire Bible. I am reading it along with my daughter who is 15. I currently do not have a favorite scripture as my faith journey has just begun. I was saved and baptised five years ago with my daughter and we have learned so much but want to stay in an eternal learning environment with our faith walk, ministry and mission.

Happy New Year from Western Canada. I was privileged and enjoyed doing this study in 2014. I found a whisper in my ear to do this again. I have to admit that I learn and understand more when I submit comments because it collects your thoughts into order. Through these dark times a favorite verse is Psalm 23:4. "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me"
A favorite theme in today's reading if from Genesis 3:6 the decision the woman makes to eat the fruit and giving it to the man to also eat. The thread I would like to submit is the question of how much time before she decided? About 3 weeks ago I found a really interesting answer on YouTube by Rabbi Manis Friedman, "Here is What Nobody told you about Adam and Eve". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXxZ7RMHt4g I haven't found out how he determined this but it is incredible. Take a guess......9 hours! That is from the time from being created. The Jewish theology behind this is well thought out and worth the 20 minute watch. And guys, we apparently bit into that fruit an hour later.

I have read through the Bible several times. Just finished One Year Daily. Felt compelled to do the chronological study this year hoping for a deeper understanding in areas where I can get confused with time frames. And a deeper understanding of my Lord and Savior.

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