Luke 12:35-13:21; John 9:1-41
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Luke: In Luke chapter 12 verse 40, Jesus is speaking about his second coming at the end of the age - "You must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected." But, this verse also always seems to speak to me about the end of my life here on earth as well. One of 2 things will happen during our life that will bring our earthly life as we know it to an end - 1. Jesus' second coming (which no one knows the day or hour) or 2. we will die. I know it's not something we all want to think about... but someday our earthly bodies will die. And I guess when I read verse 40 above, it makes me realize that not only do we not know the day or hour when Jesus' 2nd coming will be. We also don't know the day or the hour of the end of our life either. So... this verse then speaks to me clearly - you must be ready all the time! And, I don't view this as something to be anxious over. But, I do think it's serious for us to consider. I don't know about you - but sometimes I'm a procrastinator. And when it comes to our faith in Jesus, there is no luxury of procrastination. We must have faith in Jesus, be living for Jesus, and really, be willing to die for Jesus - today. Now. Not tomorrow. Today. Are you ready all the time?

Chapter 12 verse 48 is also a powerful teaching from Jesus for us today - "But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given." This is convicting... think about it. The more we begin to know about Jesus and God and the Bible, the more we essentially have been "given." And when this holy knowledge has been given to us - much is required. Much is expected. Maybe in our past we were not aware of our sins. Maybe we were not aware of sin at all really. Today, if we have been blessed with the knowledge of living by Jesus' teachings, we should not be acting as we did in the past when we did not know any better. Have you been given much? Are you living up to what is required of you?'s commentary on our Luke chapter 12 readings today titled "The Way to Wait" is at this link and commentary titled "The Consequences of Christ's Coming" is at this link.
I love Jesus' teachings in Luke chapter 13 verses 18 & 19: "Then Jesus said, "What is the Kingdom of God like? How can I illustrate it? It is like a tiny mustard seed planted in a garden; it grows and becomes a tree, and the birds come and find shelter among its branches." I think if we can have faith in the seed that Jesus plants in our hearts - the Gospel - we will see an amazing plant grow that will ultimately bless others. From the tiniest beginnings, with patience and faith, can come the largest of plants. Will you let Jesus plant a mustard seed in your heart? And will you be patient and allow the seed time & space to grow? And will you water and care for the seed of the Gospel planted in your heart so that one day it will be a beautiful tree of life for yourself and others you come in contact with?'s commentary on Luke chapter 13's readings today titled "A Problem of Perspective" is at this link.
John: Jesus' teaching in John chapter 9 verse 3 is powerful - "It was not because of his sins or his parents' sins," Jesus answered. "He was born blind so the power of God could be seen in him." Wow. He was born blind so that God's power could be seen in him. I wonder about this in our lives today. When we have challenges or struggles, is it possible that they are happening so that the power of God can been seen? I know this can be tough to fathom when you are in the midst of a challenge or struggle - or, if you are blind for example, like this man in John 9. But... no matter what life throws our way, do you think that God's power can be seen in any circumstance? Below is Cretan-born painter El Greco's "Christ Healing the Blind Man" from the year 1567:

Verse 27 is great when the healed man says - ""Look!" the man exclaimed. "I told you once. Didn't you listen? Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become his disciples, too?"" Hmmm.... Verses 39 through 40 are a dialogue that each one of us should reflect upon - "Then Jesus told him, "I have come to judge the world. I have come to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind." The Pharisees who were standing there heard him and asked, "Are you saying we are blind?" "If you were blind, you wouldn't be guilty," Jesus replied. "But you remain guilty because you claim you can see." How are we behaving today? Are we allowing Jesus to give us spiritual sight? Or do we think we can see well enough spiritually without Jesus? Without Jesus, can we see or are we blind...? Will we allow Jesus to heal us of our spiritual blindness right now?'s commentary on today's John readings titled "The Light of the World" is at this link.
Worship Video: Today's readings in Luke chapter 12 reminded me of the MercyMe song "All of Creation:"
Are you singing with all of creation? Click here and sing!
Please join us in memorizing and meditating on two verses of Scripture today: "But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."" Luke 12:39-40 NIV
Prayer Point: Pray that you are ready for Jesus to return right this very moment. Pray that you will always stay ready for Jesus' return, and that you will not quench the Spirit by sinning. Pray earnestly, "Come Lord, Jesus, quickly come!"
Comments from You: What verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings? Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
God bless,
p.s. Download our monthly Small Group study notes for our Chronological Bible readings at this link.
p.s. #2 - Download a schedule of our Chronological Bible readings for the year in PDF format at this link.
p.s. #3 - I would greatly appreciate it if you would pray for this Chronological Bible Blog ministry today! Please also consider partnering with us by financially supporting this ministry. Thank you!