Leviticus 27:1-34; Numbers 1:1-54
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Today we wrap up Leviticus and transition into Numbers! Congratulations on staying the course through the book of Leviticus! Have you Learned to Love Leviticus this past couple of weeks?? :) Commentary on Leviticus chapter 27 by Bob Deffinbaugh titled "The Value of a Vow" is at bible.org at this link. Numbers is an amazing book! I encourage you to reflect on words “Obedience” and “Disobedience” as we read through the book of Numbers. We’ll read much about both of these words in this book. And – I think as we read about both Moses’ and the Israelites Obedience and Disobedience, we will see many parallels in our own lives today. We have an opportunity with the book of Numbers to reflect upon where we have been both Obedient and Disobedient to God in our lives. We also have the opportunity to reflect upon the fruits and blessings of Obedience and the consequences of Disobedience – in Moses’, the Israelites, and our lives today. I hope you are ready to experience the book of Numbers!

~The Book of Numbers~
Author: Moses
Date: 1420 or 1220 B.C.
Content: This book deals with the journey of Israel from Mt. Sinai to the edge of Canaan and the Israelites’ preparation to enter the Promised Land. Because of sin and unbelief, however, they were not allowed by God to claim their inheritance but were condemned to wander in the wilderness for forty years. After the forty years they slowly made their way back to Canaan – this time ready to obey God’s commands. After winning some important battles to the east of the Jordan River, the Israelites prepared for the entrance into the land itself.
Theme: The book shows the continual faithfulness of God and the unbelievable sin of man. Israel rejected God but God remained true to his word, in leading the people through the wilderness and providing for their needs. In the New Testament the Christian life is likened to a wandering in the wilderness with the promise of a heavenly Canaan before us. (Above commentary is from “The One Year Bible Companion” pp. 2-3) Excellent commentary on the Book of Numbers is at this link.

Today in Numbers chapter 1 verse 1 we read: “The LORD spoke to Moses in the Tent of Meeting in the Desert of Sinai on the first day of the second month of the second year after the Israelites came out of Egypt.” You’ll definitely notice as we read through the book of Numbers that God speaks to Moses, and through Moses to Israel. This fact is stated over 150 times and in more than 20 different ways in the book of Numbers – all the way from this first verse above until the very last verse of Numbers in chapter 36 verse 13 – “These are the commands and regulations the LORD gave through Moses to the Israelites on the plains of Moab by the Jordan across from Jericho.” The Israelites were dependent on Moses at that time to hear from God. How do you hear from God in your life today? Do you believe that you are hearing from God as you read the Bible? Do you believe that you can hear from God during times of prayer? Do you believe that today you can hear from God through your faith in Jesus and in your participation in the body of Christ, the church? Are you hearing from God today? Do you want to hear from God today?

Worship Video: Today's readings reminded me of the hymn "Holy, Holy, Holy" sung here by Audrey Assad:
Do you know our Holy God? Click here for Holiness!
Please join us in memorizing and meditating on a verse of Scripture today: "The LORD spoke to Moses in the tent of meeting in the Desert of Sinai on the first day of the second month of the second year after the Israelites came out of Egypt." Numbers 1:1 NIV
Prayer Point: Pray that you are listening to the LORD today, tomorrow, and every day forevermore.
Comments from You: What verses or insights stand out to you in today's readings? Please post up by clicking on the "Comments" link below!
God bless,
p.s. Download our monthly Small Group study notes for our Chronological Bible readings at this link.
p.s. #2 - Download a schedule of our Chronological Bible readings for the year in PDF format at this link.
p.s. #3 - I would greatly appreciate it if you would pray for this Chronological Bible Blog ministry today! Please also consider partnering with us by financially supporting this ministry. Thank you!
I found out via YouTube the other day that Audrey Assad now claims she is no longer a Christian. So sad, please join me in praying that she will be lead by the Holy Spirit to true Christianity. She is a former Catholic.
Posted by: Chad B | February 26, 2024 at 12:49 PM