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I don't think that man coming down on teachings is very good. I come from a difficult background and it takes a long time to have God renew my mind to think positively even in bad situations. I have benefited from reading "The Battlefield of the Mind" enormously. So this mans preach was a little shallow to me. It did not inspire to follow Jesus. I would say he was an discouragement. We are new creatures in Christ. We do think differently . We do believe in the soul prospering. It is true that some people err and go to far because their immaturity. But i couldn't see this mans point. Joseph was born of Adam. I am born of the second Adam. Jesus Christ. My mind is positive and seeking His will through every circumstance. This type of preaching was very injurious when I was first saved. I believe in having the mind of Christ and not running around condemning others for preaching. Take the beam out of your own eye first. I conclude with this. Eat the meat and throughout the bones of all men who preach as the spirit instructs you too. God does have a very positive message for new believers.

I wasn't referring previously to the Chronological Bible study I was referring to Genesis: From Paradise to Patriarchs teaching "How to Get Out of the Pits" .

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