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What stands out to me is Josephs forgiveness. "And he said, “I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold to Egypt. 5 Now do not be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me ahead of you to save lives. "Joseph never pointed out what sinners the brothers where but he pointed to the plan of God in the midst of man. Plans for good and not evil.
He forgave and saw purpose in his life. Yes, he had a positive mindset. As a new creature in Christ I to can live with a positive sense of purpose no mater what. Also he did not condemn his brothers or lecture them. So many preachers(with good intentions) waste their time doing this pointing fingers at each other and sin. While their people God gave them starve for the Gospel and its benefits. These people teach constantly on what sinners they are. Joseph never pointed out what sinners the brothers where but he pointed to the plan of God in the midst of man. I repeat again, Joseph never pointed out what sinners the brothers where but he pointed to the plan of God in the midst of man. Plans for good and not evil.

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